Recommended Workouts and Instructional Videos


Simple Strength 

Frequency: Complete these exercises two to three times each week. Once you are proficient and can perform each with excellent form, let your coach know! You’ll then advance to the next workout.

Warm Up: Five to seven minutes


  • Circuit 10x30x30 = 10 exercises, 30 seconds on,  30 seconds off, for a total of 10 minutes.
  • Complete 2 sets of circuits, with 5 minutes rest in between, for a total of 25 minutes.
  • Exercises below, w/modification option if desired.
  1. Deadbug
  2. Pushups (modification - on knees if desired, or use a wall)
  3. Hip Bridges
  4. Door Frame Rows
  5. Plank (modification - on knees if desired)
  6. Squats
  7. Right-Side-Plank / Star-Fish (modification - on knees if desired)
  8. Left-Side-Plank / Starfish (modification - on knees if desired)
  9. Fire Hydrant
  10. Dead Fish / Superman

Complete the workout with the World Greatest stretch 5 sets on each side


Recommended Core/ Body Weight Circuit:

  • Circuit 10x50x30 = 10 exercises, 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off
  • Complete 2 sets in order, with 5 minutes rest between sets.

1. Bicycle Crunch

2. Bird Dog

3. Pushup
4. Squat jumps
5. Plank
6. Fire Hydrant
7. Alternate Hand Toe Touch
8. Hip Lifts
9. Superman/ Fish out of water
10. Mountain Climbers
Other recommended videos: