Spring Adult Rowers, Spring Parents, and Spring Youth Rec and Competitive Rowers - Volunteer Day 1 or Day 5 of LTR Camp, signup HERE. Greet people and conduct check in on Day 1, or be there on Day 5 to answer questions as they wrap up camp. Coach will validate community service hours for this role, apx. 1 hour each time.
Spring YOUTH REC and COMPETITIVE Rowers - Volunteer Service Hours available. Sign up HERE to assist with LTR Summer Camp. You might be a rower, coxswain, in the launch...whatever coach needs that day! One to three volunteers needed each session. Fun, and you get to be in the action! Be an ambassador and help introduce the sport to other kids who have never rowed before. Coach will validate community service hours for this role. You'll achieve 3 service hours each session, and 15 hours in one week!